Many of the professional training and pet care organizations that we are members of require their members to carry pet service specific liability insurance and asks them to adhere to that organization’s code of ethics. We take these requirements seriously. They are commitments to our clients and to the organizations we support as members in the course of our business. Some of the organizations we belong have their Code of Ethics listed below.

The Pet Professional Guild (PPG):
The Force-Free Method – “Informed by Science, Guided by Empathy, Governed by Ethics” TM –
PPG promotes the use of positive operant and respondent training methods, both personally and professionally, and holds that all training should be conducted in a manner that encourages pets to enjoy the process, which will, in turn, lead them to become more confident and well-adjusted pets. PPG members optimize the use of applied behavior analysis to systematically identify and resolve problem behaviors using the least aversive and intrusive methods, tools and equipment. Further, both PPG and its members actively recommend against the use of any training tools and equipment whose purpose and/or intent is to interrupt or redirect behavior using fear, force or pain.
Click here to see the Pet Professional Guild’s Guiding Principles
Click here to see the Pet Professional Guild’s Code of Ethical Conduct

The Association of Professional Dog Trainers:
Click here to see the APDT Code of Professional Ethics

The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants:
Click here to see the IAABC Joint Standards of Practice and Professional Code of Ethics